Dairy farming on an average provides returns up to Rs.1.5 lacs / year giving a sense of financial security.

Dairy farming’s multi-faceted role in financial & nutritional security


Shri. Madhusudan Kheti  belongs to Puintala, Balangir, Odisha. Getting to know of BAIFs initiative in the State with Govt. support, he started seeking quality services. Successful breeding coupled with efficient cattle management services helped Madhusudan expand his herd, milk production & subsequently his income. 
With one cow back in 2011, today he has 4 calves & 4 milking cows. With indigenous & improved BAIF progenies, milk production is on the higher side, almost double the earlier production.
Apart from selling purpose, a portion of milk is kept for household consumption, ensuring nutritional security adding to healthy diets of his children & wife. With an agricultural land of over 9 acres, fluctuating returns were a concern. For Madhusudan, livestock serves as a buffer & helps mitigate fluctuations in crop production, post-harvest losses & low returns. 
Madhusudhan has adopted an integrated approach & uses the cow dung produced in his farm. Livestock has contributed indirectly to his food security by increasing crop productivity through manure. Understanding linkages across these two sectors helped him multiply income security.