Transforming Livelihoods Through Wadi Farming @ CCDP-UTTHAN

Transforming Livelihoods Through Wadi Farming @ CCDP-UTTHAN


Mr. Basanta Majhi, a resilient small-scale farmer from Golagadia in Odisha, whose life took a transformative leap with the Wadi farming project backed by BAIF - CCDP. Formerly relying solely on paddy cultivation, his income struggled to match his family's needs due to limited resources and knowledge. However, the Wadi project changed the game. Armed with just
0.25 acres of land, Basanta seized the opportunity to cultivate mango grafts, leading to a remarkable shift in his fortunes.

With the support of the project, Basanta not only grew mango trees successfully but also diversified his income streams by ingeniously incorporating intercropping techniques. The incredible results are evident in the table showcasing his bountiful harvests - from mangoes to cucumbers, chilies to cauliflower. His income soared, reaching an impressive "1,34,500" rupees in net earnings. This success tale vividly illustrates the profound impact that well- planned sustainable initiatives can have on small-scale farmers like Basanta, turning their plots into thriving agricultural marvels. His journey of empowerment, guided by knowledge and support, stands as a shining example of how strategic interventions can uplift farming communities, fostering prosperity and sustainable development in rural landscapes.